Muffin is doing GREAT and has recovered nicely from the allergic reaction to her vaccination's.

She once again is a very happy camper.
I, Lily Belle, on the other hand yesterday, had to go visit

Sitting with Mommy in the waiting room

Mommy said we should read this book while we were waiting. The book made Mommy cry.

Hey, did I hear my name being called?
So Dr. O'Sullivan (aka Mr. Handsome) took a look at it and did his very best to trim it. He said that if it continues to be a problem then to bring me back. He would have to then sedate me and pull the entire nail off. Mommy was not thrilled with hearing that and come to think of it, neither was I!! So, I'm going to try and be really good so that what's left of it remains intact.
Now on to Grandpa Bob. His 89 years of life is really taking a toll on him. He has pneumonia now and is on a very strong antibiotic. His leg's swelled up the other day with fluid from the congestive heart failure. They have increased his water pill medication hoping that will clear the fluid. He has to keep his leg's elevated as much as possible. We've got our paws crossed that he won't have to go back into the hospital. We think that this is going to be the new normal for him as his heart will never get any younger. From what we understand, there really is no way to stop this from happening. At least he still has a ton of LOVE left in his heart!!
The Rehab Facility is not ready to let him come home yet as he still has a way to go with therapy. He's not too happy about that. He now requires someone to be with him 27/7 for his own safety. (We kind of figured that out already - duh!) We have noticed that he is extremely forgetful. Since January, with all this stuff that has happened to him, his forgetfulness has gotten worse. He is starting to get forgetful on everyday, routine things. We don't know if is caused by the new seizure medication he is on. We have been trying to reach the Neurologist so we can discuss this with him, but Mommy said Florida health care SUCKS! She has called and left a message for him every day and has not received a phone call back yet. Sure ain't NY!! Mommy said she may have to take a drive down to the Dr's office and just sit there until she can get some answers. His forgetfulness is part of the reason he sometimes doesn't do so well in therapy. If he can't remember to use his walker, or put on his shoes, or slow down, it's a BIG problem.
His therapist is going to come over to our house on Monday morning to do a home evaluation. We're excited because Grandpa gets to come too!! It will be a short visit, but at least Grandpa is allowed to come home for an hour. Miss Sally will tell Mommy what and IF any modifications need to be made to the house in order for Grandpa to be safe. At least it is a start in the right direction. Mommy knows tho that when he comes home, all this safety stuff is gonna fly right out the window. Grandpa won't listen or follow the rules (or remember) just like before. We'll be sure to put in our 2 cents worth tho once she arrives!
Mommy has been working on doing Grandpa's taxes the past few days which is a joke. He can't remember and she has no clue. What a pair!
Tonight Mommy and Daddy are going to go have dinner with Grandpa and play some cards. Grandpa is pretty lonely so "Team Florida" is going to cheer him up. Just when I thought Mommy was gonna stick around for a while, she's getting ready to head right back out.
Hopefully Muffin and I can visit Grandpa this weekend. It's way too busy there during the week for us little one's. When I went in last weekend I barked and barked and barked at everyone and at every thing. Mommy was pretty annoyed with my big mouth. Maybe she'll just take Muffin. She's much quieter and doesn't talk as much as me.
Lily Belle
Sending lots of good vibes and prayers
ReplyDeleteLily & Edward
OH Lily Belle... we are so very much sorry to hear that our beloved Grandpa Bob is having such a rough time of it. It will do him good to come home fur a visit..esp. since he will see YOU and MUFFIN...
ReplyDeleteMuffin we are so happy that you are all Fine as Frog Furs now that you are over your reaction. BUTT Lily Belle, you be very much careful of that paw nail. That sounds so painful.
Gentle HUGS to ALL of you. Let us know who wins the card game.
Wow. That is a lot going on. Sorry tp hear about your grandpa. Hope she gets ahold of the DR soon. You 2 will be a big help
Sounds like you're in a whirlwind. Paws crossed for grandpa, it is so STRESSFUL. But we know you doxies are doing your part in helping to keep the peeps on an even keel.
ReplyDeleteXXXOOO Bella & Roxy
We sure agree with your Mommy about the Florida health care system. My human sissy has severe Lupus plus a few other conditions we never even heard of. Then just a couple weeks ago when she had to be taken to the ER, they found a mass on the outside of her lung and a huge lump on her hip bone. She's been back to her own doctor who hasn't given any answers yet other than to set up a future appointment with an Orthopedic doctor about the lump and a "come back in a month for another MRI" on the lung mass. Sheesh!
ReplyDeleteWe're sending lots of prayers to Grandpa Bob. Hopefully he'll feel much better when he gets back home again. And Lily.. hope your nail gets better too.
We Love You All
We have our paws crossed for all of you.
ReplyDeleteSending hugs to your family. What a challenging time. Hope the paw heals soon.
ReplyDeleteWe are sorry for your broken toe nail and for your Grampa. Ours feel yesterday and broke his arm, his hip and a rib. Sorry for your stressful days.
ReplyDeleteSo many hugs headed to you! POTP, too.
ReplyDeleteLove y'all so much,
Nola and Amanda
Mr. Handsome sounds dreamy to our Mommy.
ReplyDeletePoor Poor Lily and mama too, I know how she loves dealing with nail issues. Hoping Grandpa Bob can come home soon. I think the house will checkout as being pretty user friendly. And as for Dr Handsome..... I don't believe it until we see the pics - lol - No really we want pictures!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad Muffin is feeling better, hope Lily Belle's nail is okay. Hope Grandpa Bob starts feeling better soon!
ReplyDeleteYou all must be barely still standing with everything happening. I'm sending my most positive thoughts to Grandpa Bob, and I'm happy that Muffin is okay now. Be careful with future vaccinations - I've learned over the years that dogs who have allergic reactions tend to get worse ones in the future.
ReplyDeletePower of the paw to you.
Oh noes! So sorry to hears about Gpa Bob. Ma went through to swelling leggies and stuffs with her Ma. The rehab put these wraps on her leggies to help draw the water out of her worked pretty well. I'm sendin' Gpa Bob lots of POTP and {{{{hugs}}}} for your Moms!!!
ReplyDeleteNow Lily, I am the same with the 'big mouth'....Ma says I'm not as bad as I used to be, butts I do likes to bark at stuffs. I sure hopes you can visit this weekend, butts if you can't I'll gets in my transport tunnel and come and keeps you company!!
Ruby ♥
Paws crossed and we will continue to pray for Grandpa Bob and your mom.
ReplyDeleteAroo to you,
That is a bummer as we say over here. Our hearts go out to you. Good news about Muffin and Lily we hope you take it easy and let that nail heal.
ReplyDeleteWe not sure what to say bout Grandpa Bob. It is certainly not an easy situation. We hope he can come home but equally we know how hard it will be on all of you. As always you are in our thoughts and prayers and God Bless you for all your kindness and decency. You are truly an amazing family.
Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
We're keeping our paws crossed tight for Grandpa Bob!
ReplyDeleteSo happy for the update :) Thank you for taking the time when life is so crazy busy. Sending all our love to you all!
ReplyDeleteWe missed this post earlier for some reason, we are so sorry about your nail but at least Lily Belle you don't see the stoopid vet like we have to ....we are also glad muffin is much better, maggie is to now. wow that predisone made her real mean the next day and mom sweared everytime she turned around she was wanting to kill gussie..thank goodness it wasn't me.
ReplyDeleteWe are so sorry to hear about Grandpa Bob....please remember all you can do is put one foot in front of the other one day at a tells herself that sometimes....we all know how much love you have for him. Hugs and Prayers
Stella rose and momma
Howdy Mates, glad to hear Muffin is better. Lily, that nail business is a real pain. Rory's is still having trouble with his too and it just won't heal, sigh. Sending you smoochies to fix that nail right up. We hope too Grandpa Bob can come home soon. He might be forgetful but we reckon he never forgets how to smile! Take care mates. We're thinking of you. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
ReplyDeleteHugs to you all.
ReplyDeleteLove Ruby & Penny
Oh gosh, my thoughts are with you and Grandpa Bob. I hope he is able to come home soon!
ReplyDeleteAnd ouch on the broken nail ...that doesn't sound fun.
Ruby (with a little help from Angel Pip)
Lily Belle we hope your nail is doing better and thank goodness Muffin got over that terrible reaction.
ReplyDeleteWe are so very sorry about Grandpa Bob and we do know how hard this is on everyone. We will keep you all in our prayers.
Hugs madi your bfff