Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Surgery Update

Thank you all so very much for your love, good wishes and support for Grandpa Bob. I can't tell you how much it means to all of us.

We just got a call from the Surgeon. The surgery scheduled for tomorrow morning has been cancelled. The Anesthesiologist reviewed his charts and said that without further testing, he is cancelling the surgery.

Grandpa Bob will have to go for a Stress Test (for his heart) and also a Pulmonary Function Test (for his lungs.) With the info provided to them, it is way too risky to operate at this point because of his crappy COPD. 

The Surgeons office will schedule these appointments for us. So now we're in a holding pattern.....

I don't know weather to breathe a sigh of relief (for the moment) or stress out even more.




  1. Well shoot, I had no idea G Bob was gonna has surgicals. See, dats what happens when mum not blog!

    Just keep breathing and all will be okays.
    If G BOB needs some comfort I has a blankie he can use...hehehe.


  2. Well ...its just hard either way isn't it...i think its the not knowing that makes it so likes it when 2 follows 1, or a and then know what i mean. We will keep grandpa B in our prayers and you guys also! He is sure blessed to have you by his side. I could send him Maggie to sleep with at night if that would help. As long as she has hers binkie she will be just finnnnne.
    stella rose

  3. Wow, I'm sorry to hear this about Granpa Bob. I'm just going to keep sending healing vibes to him and warm thoughts to you and all will work out fine. POTP will work wonders.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Furiend

  4. Well Lily Belle and Muffin mom says my g-ma has always says delays are for a reason. We will just hope and pray the further tests will indicate all is ok to go on.

    Thanks you a ton for your b-day wishes for my sis..
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  5. We will continue to keep good thoughts for Ll of you.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. DARN IT.... this is the way it goes sometimes... you get all set to do thingys and then all the plans go to the squirrels.
    We are kinda like Madi... maybe this is a Good thingy in disguise. It is very much HARD though.
    We have our Paws Crossed very much tightly fur Grandpa Bob... and fur ALL of you. Let us know if we can do anythingy fur you.

  7. Sounds like YOU are undergoing the STRESS test!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. I am sorry, I hope things can get figured out for Grandpa Bob. Please give him a lick from me. I am crossing paws and Mommy will pray.

    Loveys Sasha

  9. Dag... I'm so sorry to hear this! About whether to breathe a sigh of relief or whether to stress... it is perfectly appropriate to do both. My mom had to go into the hospital again this week, so I'm right there with you.
    Like others have said, maybe the delay is a good thing. Many prayers and pawprayers for him! You all are definitely in our thoughts.

  10. Dang. Well you keep on breathing and we'll keep praying!

  11. We're sorry to hear about the delay, but it is probably a good thing they check Grandpa Bob out real good before he has the surgery. We wouldn't want them to have problems during the surgery so this is likely for the best. We will keep our paws crossed for all of you.

    Millie & Walter

  12. Just remember to breathe . . . . things generally find a way of working out! Lee and Phod and their Lady

  13. I think it's good that you have such a cautious anesthesiologist but I'm sure that you are stressing. Like someone else said, breath... We are thinking of you.

  14. Take a deep breath and tell yourself that everything will be ok. All of Blogville will be standing right behind you to hold you up or catch you if you start to slip.

    Hugs to you and Grandpa Bob.

  15. Isaiah 41:10 Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. This always helps my mom get through troubling times.

    Aroo to you,

  16. Sorry to read that the surgery has been cancelled. We will pray for Grandpa Bob. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Best wishes Molly

  17. Hi Girls; Mom just read me the update on what has been going on in your life. Sounds like things are really stressful. Hoping Grandpa is able to get his heart fixed soon. It was so nice of you Lily to save the little birds life. The pictures of your walk makes me wish I lived where you live except in the winter time. I know you girls are trying to help Mom as much as you can. Hope Muffin has not had any throw ups lately. My grandma will be 85 next week and has CHF which has slowed her down. She gets very unhappy when she can not do the thinks she used to. She is from that hard working German Stock that believes one must always be busy. I am German but right now I am trying to take my after breakfast nap and dictate to Mom at the same time. I always like it when Mom has a day off from her job so that we can spend more time together. My foster sister June had surgery Monday to have some tumors removed. She is also a tough old girl. Mom has finally got the new girls on my schedule. Life is much easier when she does not have to go to a mean old job but we like to eat good food and treats and need our toys. We will keep you girls and your humans in our thoughts and prayers. Wish we lived closer so we could help out.

  18. We are sending lots of love to grampy
    Benny & Lily

  19. Oh boys. Yeah, Ma knows what this is like. She and I are sendin' all my good thoughts and vibes and my special AireZens to you and Gpa Bob. {{{{hugs}}}}} and big SLOBBERY kisses for you guys!!!
    Ruby ♥

  20. Howdy Mates, sheesh, we don't know whether to be glad or not. Don't worry about the stress. We will share it with you so it won't be so bad. Hugs to Grandpa Bob but special hugs to your mum cause she is a bloomin beauty with the love and care she is giving him. No worries, (especially for your mum) and love, Stella and Rory


Lily Belle & Muffin would love to hear from you!