Friday, July 19, 2013

Cancer is an UGLY word!

Yes, wouldn't you agree? A very UGLY word indeed!

Mommy is going to tell you the story...

Many of our furends & friends may remember that while we were in Florida, Grandpa Bob (aka my Dad) was diagnosed with skin cancer in 3 different locations and had 1 spot on his face removed while we were down there. (And BTW, Grandpa Bob is also a prostate cancer survivor.)

Today I had to take Dad to the surgeon here in NY to have the other 2 spots removed.  One spot is located under his left nipple/upper abdomen area and the other spot below his belly button.

I got to sit with him while they numbed up the two areas and kept him laughing up until they came in to start the surgery. Then they made me leave.

The surgery lasted almost 2 hours. I was waiting and waiting and waiting. I took a walk outside in the 95 degree humid weather.

I took pictures of my feet and of my new Birk's.

Found a recipe that sounded really yummy.
Played some Words with Friends.

Then they called me back to talk about wound care before they bandaged him up.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this.....

Sorry, guess I should have warned you.

Me and my mouth sometimes (OK, I admit, many times) have a way with words and I blurted out "what the fuck did you do?"

I can tell you, that is NOT what the Doctor expected me to say. I'm quite sure of that!

The spot below his belly button is equally as large but I will spare you the pictures. (Yes Kim, please spare us!)

After talking to the Doctor and he explained it all to me I understood. Because the original biopsy still showed cancer cells, they remove what they call "a 3 inch margin" on all sides.

Geez Dude, couldn't you have told us that upfront? Maybe they think you will chicken out if they did, I don't know.

Poor ol'e Grandpa Bob! I feel so horrible for him. But fear not! I'm a great nurse and don't mind the blood and gut's. But I do mind that my Dad (hopefully I can say) HAD cancer.

You can bet that I'll be on my knees tonight praying that they got it all out. I love you Dad!

Cancer is an UGLY word in more ways than one!



  1. It is an awful and ugly word. I am sending my strongest healing vibes to Grandpa Bob. I hope that all is well, and that he recovers quickly from that larger than expected surgery.

  2. It's a disgusting, sickening, horrible, ugly, hurtful word. Paws crossed for Grandpa Bob.
    Nola and Amanda

  3. No wonder you were shocked. What seems minimal to surgeons doesn't seem to us! We think your reaction was normal!

    Paws crossed for Grandpa Bob.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. Holy Crap! That is a huge incision. We have our paws (and mom has her fingers) crossed that all the bad stuff is gone. Tell Grandpa Bob we hope he feels better soon.

    Millie & Walter

  5. That is awful. We are praying that all will be OK. What a shock. Recover quickly Grandpa Bob.
    Our very best wishes Molly

  6. Oh no, we are sorry to hear about this, and we hope grandpa is doing ok. We will be thinking of him and your family.

  7. No wonder you were shocked. Who wouldn't be. My MOM and I will also say prayers for your dad. And give Grandpa Bob a big Goose healing lick for me.

  8. Oh Kim, I'm so sorry about these sickies, but it looks like the dogtor was extra careful to get rid of all of it. I'm sending tons of healing vibes to Grandpa Bob. I think sometimes those medical peeps forget that the rest of us don't automatically know what's going on or going to happen. shesh
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  9. BTW: My Mom says to bark to you that she loves those cool shoes! She wants a pair. :)

  10. OMD that is a HOOOOOOG incision . No wonder you were STUNNED. Doctors just do what they WANT to do and they NEVER tell the patient / care giver all the info they SHOULD. BUTT now that Grandpa Bob is CANCER FREE .. we guess he can be forgiven for not warning you. WE have our paws Crossed fur Grandpa Bob and his NURSE.

  11. I hate cancer! I hope Grandpa Bob is doing ok. That must have been a huge surprise to see that big booboo. As long as they got all the evil cancer it will be ok. Mommy will say a prayer for Grandpa Bob and I will cross paws.

    Loveys Sasha

  12. Lovable Lily, you won the contest for the rubber band bracelet (and a surprise gift). Please email us your address at teresius1 (at) aol (dot com). Oh, Mommy knows her email address is confusing sometimes. That's a numeric one 1 before that (at) sign, it isn't a lower case letter L. Congratulations

  13. Cancer SUCKS ...that's what the pin I have from a dear friend says ...and I agree. I am on my knees with you that Grandpa Bob is cancer FREE. Because you know you can't go back to that Dr after you cursed him (That part of your story made me LOL.) So cancer free is the option we choose!....Big "gentle" hugs to Grandpa Bob. And your a wonderful daughter Kim....I'm glad he has you :)

  14. OH, and I LOVE those Birks girlfriend!

  15. OMG...that looks awful:( Hope Grandpa Bob is doing better and that they got all of the cancer out! There is an award waiting for you at

    Have a great Sunday!

  16. We are sorry somehow we missed this post. YOU just remember you and Grandpa Bob are very strong, and you have each other, so that makes it all possible!! We are sending you extra prayers each day. You are blessed to have each other, and I know Grandpa Bob knows that for sure!
    stella rose

  17. Ouch- that looks so sore :( I hope Grandpa Bob is feeling better and I hope that this means the start of the end of the C word. It IS an ugly word. It's good that you've got each other xxx

  18. I'm a little confused, does this mean that they took all the cancer with the 3 inch margin they did?

    Grandpa Bob sounds like a strong guy... and a super survivor. I am sure he will a lot better in not time. Get well soon, Gramps!

  19. Hi Lily and Muffin! Stopping by to say hi and that we are thinking of Grandpa Bob! Hope he is on the mend and doing OK. We know you are all excellent nurses!! :)

  20. Garth's momma here - cancer is the ugliest word. But modern medicine is really good at fighting it and it's actually a very good thing for them to take out the margins. Our thoughts are with you and Grandpa Bob and hoping he's well on the mend. (Sorry but I can't help but laugh at the thought of saying "What the fuck did you do?" to a doctor!)

    Rebecca, Garth's momma


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